Thursday, January 07, 2010

huhu sebot je bertungku sangat la sinonim ngan orang yang baru lepas bersalin...tujuan nye adalah untuk membuang segala angin kus -kus dalam bukan orang bersalin je yang ade angin itu...aku pon ade...ehehe


aku nak gtao la aku pon bertungku okay..di sebabkan angin kus-kus dalam badan adalah sgt adelah sangat syok dapat bertungku...

dulu orang bertungku gune batu sungai atau tungku yang mcm sukan lontar peluru itu dipanaskan atas dapur..pastu balut ngan paper..kaen segala..tggu sejuk sket..kalau panas-panas teros gune kang ade yang melecur satu badan...angin ke mana sudahnye kite masuk sepital...huuhu

tp aku ni laen sket cara pon dah moden kan..

so aku gune tungku moden babe!ahahah jobo gler...pakai letrik gitu..kat dalam tu mcm ade gel...panas kan dalam bape minit...then apply je kat mane...pinggang..kaki..perot...

adelah lagi nikmat bile time 'bulan jatuh ke riba'..aku nk letak tungku tu kat perot....bagi die hapuskan angin senggut yang jahat itu..

yang telah membuatkan badan aku menjadi kejang dan sepeti mao menjadi tenggiling..guling badan dan golek-golek setiap kali saket..

ish xbaek yani...saket tu kan nikmat..syukur dapat rasa saket tu..korang dapat rasa?ahahah tu die ayat cover terbaek dari ladang

dah-dah nak sambung kenikmatakan bertungku ni...owhhh panasnye...owh nikmatnye...korang ade???
ahahha keji giler..

dan lagi syiiiiiioookkk sebab dapat menguruskan perot yang boncet ini...hope kempias la sket..xbanyak pon..aku nak dalam seinci dua je...kang byk sgt pelik la pulak..perot melengkug masuk kedalam...dah tak sexy!muahahhaa

sexy ke??

buat malu ade...aku saje ckp sebab teringat kawan aku cakap buncet itu adalah sexy..

sebabnye perot die bukan lagi buncet tp siap ade spare tyre tu ha..korang jangan nk sentap lak eh..bukan ckp kat sape-sape cume kelakar cara kawan aku tu nak jugak puji diri sendiri even dah sah lagi nyata memang xcantek pon=p memang xberagak la ayat die tu

ni la rupe tungku moden tu...sonang nak pakai panaskan je 5 minit..tahan 2 jam gak

then dapat tungku baby..cute je..simpan utk my baby...aahahha verangan!

meh aku share sekt info pasal tungku ni

Features Modern Tungku Stone Tungku (tradisional) Herbal Tungku
Methode used to heat up the tungku electricity kitchen fire stim
Duration required to heat up the tungku 5 to 8 minutes 10 to 15 minutes Up to 20 minutes
The warm last for 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes to 1 hour (but have to be covered with thick papers and cloth) 15 to 20 minutes only
Weight of the tungku

The weight of modern tungku is 1.6 kilogram. This weight is ideal for mothers during confinement since it is not too heavy nor too light for mothers to carry around.

Weight of the tungku depending on how big is the stone. The bigger the stone means the tungku weight will be heavier

The weight of herbal tungku is very light. For certain individual, they may need to press the herbal tungku onto their body in order to feel the heat.
Other special features

It can be used directly without have to be covered with paper or clothes - unless if you cannot stand with the heat.

Stone tungku need to be covered with papers and cloth before it can used in order to avoid skin injury dan burn

It will not caused damage to your cloth and burn your skin

The stone tungku has to be covered with with paper and clothes. However, the heat itself will actually burn the papers and clothes. Based on my own experience during confinement period, the stone that I have used had burnt out the mattress.

Safe to be used
If overheated, the stone tungku will crack and break into pieces

Easy to carry to anywhere. You can even use it whilst in the office. Therefore it is very practical for those who just had misscarriage and have to return to work after the sick leave is over. Not suitable to be used in the office

The content of the modern tungku is a type of liquid which will absorp and restore the heat. Therefore the heat last longer
The content of the herbal tungku are mixture of herbs which were not absorb and restore the heat

The outer side is covered with a good and high quality clothes so that the modern tungku will last longer

sape-sape berminat meh terjah kat sini

lepas ni aku ingat nk beli bengkung moden die lak..huhu obses tu mao kurus!=p

6 bisikan:

  1. how much tu kak..x dan nk bkak website tu...hihi

  2. angin kus kus
    banyak dalam badan..??
    Persoalannye mcm mane
    angin tu bole ade dalam badan?

  3. yani..akk pas bersalin pon tak bertungku ok gak kan kita ni memasing sebenarnya byk angin kat lam badan

  4. N:akak beli masa promo rm75

    meen uenos:tah ade orang tiup kot=p

    shida:oik?akak xbertungku ke?huhu zaman moden kot..yani ni jenis byk angin..dpt bertungku mmg best la

  5. bro pernh apakai tungku yang leh dicharge tue... tp bro bukan bertungku.. tp pedagal member je he..23x

    BroFramestone Blog


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*Yani akan balas kunjungan anda.

"Yani doakan anda diberi kesihatan yang baik sepanjang zaman."